How has the repair sector evolved in 2020? How many repaired devices? How many spare parts We share our data collected throughout the year with our 10,000 users of the Agoraplus solution. These figures give an overview of the major trends in the sector which is digitalizing at high speed to cope with an increase in repairs.
The repairactivityin 2020 facing the COVID crisis.
2020 has been a challenging year with the closing of most of the technical stations during the first lockdown in France. The monthly consultations of technical documentation are an excellent indicator of repair activity. There was also a considerable drop between January and May 2020 with a drop to less than 30,000 consultations in April. It is possible to view activity region by region during this period on our map of France. The stations reopened in May 2020 and the sector quickly picked up its pace with an average of 75,000 monthly consultations.
Repair: key figures for 2020
2,478,333 household appliances were repaired during the year, equivalent to a saving of 161,280 T of CO2 for the planet. Everyday, 6.4k repair files are processed by our solution. 8.7 million spare parts were ordered with an average of 10.2 K per day. 450 new technical stations joined our Agoraplus community in 2020. Behind the screen, a team of 22 collaborators manage the support, the development, operations and communication.
International manufacturers: repair on a global scale
More and more manufacturers are using Agoraplus internationally (see our business case) in order to better manage the standardization of their procedures in different countries. Which involves translating the documentation and the website in 12 languages for 125 countries. The Support teamprocessed 14,439 tickets in 6 languages.
The accelerating of digitalization inconsumer goods
The need for support in the management of the after-sales is increasing considerably. More and more people are digitalizing and securing their transactions via Agoraplus. We are able to create custom workflows through our API portal and to interface with many systems. The year 2020 was a pivotal year for our team of developers who deployed two new versions of our solutions while correcting 1642 anomalies.
Consult our infographic on the Agoragroup year review of 2020